Every parent wants the best for their children. However, the parent must also realize that giving children their own space and time to learn turns the experience more sustainable for them.
We understand how thoughtful parents are about their children. Our programs are designed to cover complete and reliable care for the kids while the parents are at work.
Learning environments claim to offer the best learning methodology or the most qualified teachers. But, the most important part of learning is the student. Our setting is designed to encourage each child to learn while focusing on their needs.
The estimated return on investing in early education is 10%, higher than the average stock market return of 7.2%. Indeed, education benefits society. Source: https://archive.thinkprogress.org
Refusing to go to school is normal for kids. This happens before their actual first day at school or after a period of school absence. While the situation is difficult, it will not help if the child is forced to go to school. Instead, interventions to treat this refusal should happen. Probe your child’s reason. … Continue reading →
Colorful images attract a child’s eyes. Begin their love of books through amazing stories told with vivid imagery. Introduce them to a world of wonders and creativity through picture books.