Toddlers are known for being big balls of energy. Their high level of energy can be a lot to deal with anywhere. We always wonder if there is a chance to pacify them. As a provider of child care services in Anaheim, California, we explore the chances. We ensure to introduce quiet and calm activities to balance their hyperactive sessions.
These activities can be done at home and even outside. The following are ideas that- wind down your toddler if you also need to focus on other matters. In our learning center in California, we introduce the following and let them enjoy these fun activities.
- Puzzles are a simple activity, but they can surely catch your young one’s attention.
Aside from that, it helps develop their fine motor skills and strengthens orientation and visual perception.
- Coloring activities can be done even when you are in a restaurant.
Several cafes and restaurants now offer coloring materials for kids to enjoy while waiting for the food. This activity can catch their creativity and focus.
- Collage making is another way.
With arts and crafts, children seem to focus more, and by making a collage, you are letting their imagination run wild and let them interpret what is on their minds.
- Listening to audiobooks and classical and jazz music are also making a trend.
From the womb to being an infant, music is a great help for their development. Toddlers are also captivated by new stories they get to hear from audiobooks.
Happy Hearts Preschool and Childcare is a preschool in Anaheim, California. We believe in balancing kids’ interests for more holistic development and growth.
Learn about us here on our website.